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Alithora Thal'tiras[]

A Brief History[]

Alithora was born in a small cottage just on the outskirts of the city of the Sin'dorei. Her parents were not rich, but they were loving and kind. Her mother and father were simple farmers and her mother was one of the best bakers around. Smells from their cottage drifted throughout the city. One day, her parents were tilling the fields while Alithora was within the city, buying a few things. Her parents were murdered by a number of Trolls who were raiding the small cottages and houses on the outskirts of town. When she learned of their fate, she was devastated. She could not fall back on her beliefs in the light. She abandoned those beliefs instead, taking on a state of uncertainty within herself. After rediscovering who she was, she set into the course of a new service, one she keeps absolutely secret.

Despite her new religious convictions, Alithora entered the priesthood at young age, learning the healing arts of the monks, priests and paladins. She assisted the Matrons in caring for the young in the Orphanage in Silvermoon until she set out to assist others within the world. Perhaps when she discovers her own personal truths, she will return and settle down.

During her travels she came across a young Death Knight named Caelpha who took her under her wing. She currently serves as a Liason to the Council of Eclipse.


Her crimson locks are cropped fairly short, framing her face. A few stray tendrils tend obscure her features here and there. Her eyes are a deep emerald and her smile is genuine and sweet. She is very light-skinned with a straight nose and lips the color of soft rose petals. Her form is petite and she smells of honey and mint. She often finds herself dressing in pastels and easily blends into a crowd. Her expressions are generally peaceful and serene, though she can be quite a pistol. Is is apparent that she takes care of herself. Her hands are manicured and her simple dresses are always clean and pressed. There is a sense of determination in her eyes.

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