Wyrmrest Accord Wiki



Short, lithe, pale and ragged; Atrilene certainly cannot be mistaken for a living being. Black stains trail down from her eyes, though the rest of her face is kept clean. Her thin blue-hued lips are often twisted in some form of minor smirk or generally amused expression. Atrilene does not pay much attention to her hair, a peculiar verdant-blue hue, although the short cut holds a tussled appearance. Bleached strips of linen wind around each of Atrilene's exposed joints in order to conceal the bone and protect the skin around such weak points. The linen glows slightly, though it cannot be determined what effect the linen has on the areas it covers.


Atrilene presents herself as an optimistic individual, choosing to keep her relations and conversations on a superficial level. Her view of her own existence is formed by her following of the Forgotten Shadow.

Background, At-a-Glance[]

  • Rarrrg, brains... Urrrg, Scourge...
  • Sylvanas?
  • Sylvanas!
  • Oh, here's my free will again!


  • Atrilene immensely enjoys levitating as it alleviates the stress placed on her joints by her own body's weight.
  • "Atrilene" is pronounced "Ah-tree-lean".

External Links[]

<Clan Lotus>

WoWArmory Profile
