Wyrmrest Accord Wiki

Havi Winchell is a skilled sniper and harpooner of the Scarlet Crusade. He is the son of Merender Winchell, the younger brother of Druce Winchell, and the twin brother of Decimus Winchell.

Physical appearance[]

Havi Winchell wears dark mail armor with a scarlet tabard and a harpoon launcher sheathed on his back and a hood up. Underneath his armor, he's heavily scarred, likely tortured.

Personality and trait[]

Havi is a twisted, cruel human-being that lacks any empathy for other, only looking out for himself. He is noted to being almost as heartless and cruel as a Forsaken.

He views people much like animals, both to be hunted.

Notes and references[]

  1. Havi Winchell - Total Roleplay 3
  2. Wyrmrest Accord Havi - WoW Armory